Here are the most commonly-used CSS properties related to text.
The direction property specifies the text direction. Possible values are 'ltr' and 'rtl'.For example, with a CSS declaration of,
p { direction:ltr; } |
The following HTML,
<p>LTR Direction</p> |
LTR Direction |
With a CSS declaration of,
p { direction:rtl; } |
The following HTML,
<p>RTL Direction</p> |
RTL Direction |
The letter-spacing property specifies the amount of space between characters. For example, with a CSS declaration of,p { letter-spacing:8px; } |
The following HTML,
<p>8px between letters</p> |
8px between letters |
The line-height property specifies the amount of space between lines. For example, with a CSS declaration of,p { line-height:30px; } |
The following HTML,
<p>30px between line 1<br>and line 2.</p> |
30px between line 1 and line 2. |
The text-align property specifies how text is justified. Possible values are:CSS Declaration | Output |
p { text-align:left; } | This sentence illustrates what it looks like to be left-justified. |
p { text-align:right; } | This sentence illustrates what it looks like to be right-justified. |
p { text-align:center; } | This sentence illustrates what it looks like to be centered. |
p { text-align:justify; } | This sentence illustrates what it looks like to be fully-justified. |
The text-decoration property specifies how text is decorated. Possible values are:CSS Declaration | Output |
p { text-decoration:underline; } | An underline example |
p { text-decoration:overline; } | An overline example |
p { text-decoration:line-through; } | A strikethrough (line-through) example |
The text-indent property specifies how much space to indent before the first line of the text in a block. Both length and percentage can be used. For example, with a CSS declaration of,p { text-indent:15px; } |
The following HTML,
<p>This text is indented by 15px at the beginning of the paragraph. Subsequent lines are not indented.</p> |
This text is indented by 15px at the beginning of the paragraph. Subsequent lines are not indented. |
The text-transform property controls how upper and lower cases are displayed. Possible values are:CSS Declaration | Output |
p { text-transform:capitalize; } | This Is A LAWYER |
p { text-transform:uppercase; } | THIS IS A LAWYER |
p { text-transform:lowercase; } | this is a lawyer |
The word-spacing property controls the amount of space between words. For example, with a CSS declaration of,p { word-spacing:5px; } |
The following HTML,
<p>Words here are separated by 5px.</p> |
Words here are separated by 5px. |
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