Tuesday, November 30, 2010

HR Interview Questions

Background check questions
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Questions related to passport and visa.
3. Questions related to previous month Salary slips.
Stability at work
1. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
2. What are your career options right now?
3. What will this job give that your previous job doesn’t?
4. What is the profile that you are looking for, how will this company give you while previous
5. Why are you leaving your current position? (Or) Why are you looking for a job change?
(Or) What is the reason you are leaving previous organization?
6. If another company offers you better salary than us, what will be your reaction?
7. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? (Or) What are your short term goals?
Work ethic questions
1. What is more important to you: the money or the work?
2. If you won $10 million in lottery, would you still work?
3. Tell me about a time when you were accountable for a mistake you made. Did you take
responsibility for the mistake?
4. Describe your work ethic.
5. What is your philosophy towards work?
6. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?
Personality test questions
1. What are your greatest strengths?
2. What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Do you have any blind spots?
5. What do your co-workers say about you?
6. Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized? (Or) How do you handle criticism?
7. What makes you angry at work?
8. Do you get angry with your team mates if they don’t cooperate?
9. What irritates you about co-workers?
10.Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between fellow team mates.
11.Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job.
12.Tell me honestly about your boss’s strengths and weaknesses.
13.Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor.
14.Do you prefer to work alone or do you work better in groups?
15.Looking back, what would you differently in your life?
16.What was the toughest decision in your life you ever had to made?
17.What are your professional goals?
18.What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?
19.Do you consider yourself successful? Why?
20.Who has inspired you in life and why?
Compatibility Questions
1. Technically, what kind of work would you prefer?
2. Would you lie for the company?
3. Briefly describe an ideal position for you?
4. Describe your ideal company, location and job?
5. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
6. Why do you want to join this industry?
7. What makes you the best candidate for this position?
8. What motivates you to do your best at work?
9. What was the toughest part of your last job?
10.What have you learned from mistakes on the job?
11.What has disappointed you about a job?
12.What do you expect from this organization?
13.What has been your biggest professional disappointment?
14.What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
15.How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
16.Do you think you are overqualified for this position?
17.Would you be willing to relocate if required?
18.Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?
Communication skills
1. Tell me about your hobbies and pastimes?
2. Which is the most unforgettable moment in your life?
3. How do you overcome stress at work?
4. What according to you, are the skills required to be successful in IT industry?
5. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?
6. Why should I hire you? (Or) Why do you think you are the best candidate?
7. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization.
8. Can you describe your previous company’s work culture?
Ego Questions
1. What is the main role of a HR in an organization?
2. Why do you want to work for this organization?
3. What do you know about this organization?
4. Can you list the clientèle of this organization?
5. On a scale of 10, rate me as an interviewer.
Salary Negotiation Questions
1. The Salary question – How much do you want?
2. What kind of salary do you need?
Tacit Questions
1. Is the candidate over qualified for this position?
2. Will this candidate be satisfied with the profile and nature of work offered to him?
3. If I offer a job, is there a chance this person will quit and start his own business?
4. Is this person too outspoken or too reticent?
5. The company where candidate is currently working seems to be an unpopular brand. Will
this hire affect my company’s brand image?
6. Will this person be able to pick up the work assigned to him?
7. Is this person lacking any basic skills or manners?
8. Is there anything that this candidate is trying to hide from us?
Human Resource Managers have simple concerns on behalf their employer organization. Their
interviews are usually much easier to generalize than the technical ones. That’s because HR
managers have very simple objectives — they want to check whether the candidate is loyal, honest,
convincing, smart and sane. In simple words, a HR manager wants to avoid a bad hire. From their
previous experiences, they knows what kind of people they don’t want to hire.
To avoid complications, a responsible hiring manager asks himself/herself the following questions
before confirming a candidate with an job offer.
Is this person authentic?
Will this person work for the company at least for the next few years?
Will the company be able to recover the costs incurred to him by the company?
Does this person have ethics at work?
Is this person sane?
Does this person fit into our company culture?
Is this person smart?
Can this person speak well?
Why should I care to hire this person?
Can we financially afford to hire this person?
Do we have any concerns related to this person’s profile?
HR interview questions can be broadly classified into the following categories.
HR Question Categories:
Background check questions
Check previous work history
Check authenticity of work experience
Clarify other region-specific issues
Stability at work
Work ethic test questions
Money mindedness
Personality test questions
Strengths and Weaknesses
Personal vision & values
Attitude towards work
Attitude towards people
Attitude towards organization
Compatibility Questions
Compatibility with company culture
Compatibility with job role or project
Aptitude questions
Case studies
Communication skills
Speaking skills
Presentation skills
Persuasive skills
Customer handling skills
Ego questions
Praise the HR
Praise the Company
Salary Negotiation Questions
Tacit Questions

Background check questions are being asked to avoid hiring the spurious professionals, to check
misrepresentation of facts, to check whether the candidate is not faking any details on his resume –
such as fake degree or fake experience or fake salary slips etc. And in some places, where there are
region specific things to ensure that the candidate legally qualifies to be hired. Issues such as
citizenship, visa status etc.

Work ethic questions are asked to check the whether the candidates posses values such as Loyalty
to the company, reliability and accountability at work. Is work just another menial task that fetches
you money or do you enjoy your work? Is money your only priority at work place?

Ego Questions. In interviews, some HRs ask a few irrelevant questions such as “What is the role
and importance of HR Manager in an organization?”, to make themselves feel important and to
satisfy their ego. Other questions that fall in this category are those that ask about their employer
organization such as “What do you know about this company?”, “Why would you like to join this
company”, to make themselves feel better from inside for working for that company. You should try
to exaggerate and lift the interviewer’s ego by answering in a boasting and optimistic manner.

Communication skills. There are some questions that have no relation to the job position being
offered, sometimes these questions are personal. They go something like “whom do you like more
your mother or father and why?” Such questions are asked to get the candidate talking, to determine
how good their speaking, persuasion and presentation skills are. These questions are especially
important for the job positions that involve communication with customers.

Compatibility questions are asked by HRs to confirm if the candidate is a good fit into the
corporate culture. For example, if the job requires the candidate to work in night shifts, and the
candidate doesn’t have prior experience working in a night shift, this might become potential
problem for the candidate in future which may result in employee’s frustration and eventually
resignation from that job.

Stability at Work The reason why the employee is quitting current job is of utmost importance for
HR managers. They want to know why exactly the employee was motivated to quit the current job.
They want to make sure that the employee doesn’t decide to quit the company before working for
an year or two. So this category of questions are indirect ways of asking the question, “How long
will you stay with us after hiring you?”

Personality test questions is a category of interview questions which includes all the questions that
the interviewer asks to know about the candidate’s strengths & weaknesses, personal vision &
goals, values , attitude towards work, people and organization. How good a candidate is who has no
clarity about his/her professional goals? How good is a candidate who has problems working
smoothly with people?

Aptitude questions are being asked by the interviewers to determine the smartness of the
candidate. Since HR managers’ job role is often disconnected with technical stuff, they don’t and
can’t ask technical questions to the interview candidate. They test people by asking puzzles or role
play questions. Puzzles in general, because they indicate to certain extent, the problem solving
ability of an individual. Role play questions are asked to check how you behave in a particular
scenario that they are familiar with. For example, the hiring manager may ask you to pretend to be
receiving a call from an angry customer and you are supposed to pacify him by assuring him that
his issue would be looked into immediately.

Salary negotiation questions are of utmost importance for the candidates who appear for the
interview. 90% of time, the reason for job change is for a better pay check. So the candidate is most
eager to answer these questions. From HR perspective, these questions are asked to find out
whether the company can match the financial requirements of the job candidate.

Tacit questions are the most dangerous of all these categories of interview questions. They are
usually the unspoken concerns of the interviewer that lead to rejection of candidates. They are also
few of the most frequent causes for a job rejection.

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